Founder & Chairperson of the PanAfrican Agribusiness Research Institute:  Dr  Hughes Pierre Ngatchou (WakaWaka)

Doctor Wakawaka  is a highly experienced professor and consultant with extensive experience gained from a background in  University's institution and " governmental Organization" across the USA, Canada, Asia, Europe and Africa. A gifted facilitator and counselor, Hughes is viewed as an expert in working with youth, Universities, Schools,families and community. With a shared vision that every child could someday live in a world where they feel safe loved, celebrated and empowered. Dr WakaWAka work has positively affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of youth and adults in the USA, Canada and some other countries. 
Dr WakaWaka Hughes is a holder of a Doctorate Degree, two Master Degree and 2 Bachelor Degree from University of South Dakota, University of Idaho, University of Dschang, Goddard College, University of Ottawa in the United States of America & Canada. He is a author of various books available on many bookstores.
Aside from Educational Work, and Consulting, Hughes loves missionary opportunities, movies, traveling, Fashion, Gospel, basketball,soccer and the theatre. In his free time he enjoys TV, swimming, hiking, working out and taking acting classes. Dr WakaWaka Hughes's future plans include developing a robust Agribusiness sector in Africa to reduce poverty and hunger. Dr Waka Hughes believe that providing a practical agribusiness education to student  in Africa is crucial. He invested more than half Million Dollar of his personal investment into the PANAFRICAN AGRIBIZ Research Institute. Hughes Pierre Loves and believes in  Jesus.

About some of our Canadian/USA Staffs:
 President of JJK: Dr Stephanie Smith

Dr Stephanie Smith has played a significant role in shaping the academic  & business skills of many students and further their career advancement using an exceptional demonstrated expertise in teaching.
Stephanie Academic Background includes:
•  Obtained a PhD  from University of UT in the  United State of America
•  Obtained Masters of business Administration option Agribusiness  from the Cleveland University, and another Master Degree in Rural sociology from the United State of America

Stephanie professional portfolio includes:
Have over eighteen years experience in teaching at University level. 
•  Have experienced as an education counselor at Washington and CELC Institute, Washington. 
•  Have over eight years experience as the respective professor in Washington International University, Washington DC. 
•  Have experienced with Online Marketing, Criminal Law education along with several criminal proceedings, Crime in United States and Juvenile proceedings
•  Conducted various adequate classes in French and English. She has also carry out various lectures on the business management and administrative management courses. 
Coordinator of Professor: 
Ronald C. Belko.
Author of Teach with Love -  The Unlimited Way of Forgiveness, The Power to Love, The Giver of Love.... He received his Third Doctorate in Spirituality from the USA in 1988. Belko left banking and business administration in 1990 to devote all of his time to understanding the nature of our potential and raising the awareness of humanity through his own company. He continues to share his powerful understanding about life through books, teaching, consulting, TV specials, workshops and living his own high ideals.
Jivoh John Carey PhD

A life-long quest for true spiritual understanding has made John insightful and loving with a strong desire to help humanity. His diverse background includes his B.A. in Biology from University of Utah - Northfield, MN, outside sales and computer skills, producing many television show, agent for a major publishing company and coordinating similar large projects with various university.  Along with being the Co-Founder of True Wealth Online's vision and mission, John is also author of his own book of poetry, “We love the LOVER”. John has tremendous experience with progressive education and online marketing.

Many people have traveled this world with different dreams, purposes and aspirations. Many are masters, teachers, inventors and followers. They were all sent by the creator of the universe to achieve one just course; “global peace and unification.” But this course cannot be achieved without unconditional love, which possesses the magical powers of the Divine for transformation. When the human race embraces love unconditional, then the lost will be found, the naked will be clothed, the hungry will be fed, the bombs will be destroyed and there will be peace and unity which will make us all to speak one language, “LOVE”.  Let love abide .  
- Philip D. Brown, Deputy Director

Le personnel de JustEduCollege est très large varié et repartie à travers le monde.
Pour plus d’information sur notre personnel administratif, envoyez-nous un courriel.

© 1999-2015 CELC. United States & Canada JustEducation Organisation Registered in the USA, Canada and China
L'Amour de Dieu est infini.
Les professeurs de JustEduCollege sont tous bénis au  nom de l’amour en Jésus Christ.
This is the Best School Ever, We love you all.
         We love working with Justedu and I love every
                   child of God. We are all sons and                                daughters of the Almight in Jesus
Phi 1:9  Et ce que Nous demandons dans nos prières, c'est que votre amour augmente de plus en plus en connaissance et en pleine intelligence
 Soyez tous animés des mêmes pensées et des mêmes sentiments, pleins d'amour fraternel, de compassion, d'humilité. 
Monsieur Gilbert Kossi DJILO, que les intimes désignent par DG, est un économiste à la base. Après avoir obtenu en 1998 une licence en es Sciences Économiques à l’université de Lomé au Togo, il s’est inscrit l’année suivante à la maîtrise dans le même domaine et dans cette même université. En 1999, il obtint donc sa première maîtrise. Son goût pour la littérature l’amena à écrire plusieurs recueils de poèmes et plusieurs pièces théâtrales pour sa troupe de théâtre « Soleil de Nuit ». Avec cette troupe, il a participé à plusieurs compétitions culturelles avec brio. Ensuite, en 2001, il fut nommé directeur du Complexe Scolaire Cheikh Anta Diop à Lomé. Tout le monde avait été satisfait de son travail à la tête dudit établissement. Par son esprit d’abnégation, il a fait la différence dans la vie de beaucoup d’élèves. Pendant cette même période, il a beaucoup travaillé avec l’Alliance Biblique du Togo qui avait réquisitionné sa troupe théâtrale. De 1998 à 2003, il a été président et co-fondateur du Groupement Action-Développement-Vision, une association de jeunes gens instruits qui aidaient les élèves en difficulté. En 2003, animé par le goût de continuer ses études dans une université de renommée internationale en économie, il s’envola pour la Suisse. En 2006, il obtint une nouvelle licence en Économie monétaire et financière à l’université de Genève. En 2008, il obtint un master en Sciences économiques dans ladite université. Étant toujours à la recherche des lendemains meilleurs, il quitta la Suisse pour le Canada. Là, il s’est inscrit en 2009 à la maîtrise en administration publique, option évaluation des programmes publics. Il devra à ce jour faire un stage de 4 mois pour obtenir ledit diplôme. Pendant un semestre, il a servi à l’École Nationale d’Administration Publique de Montréal comme assistant en économie internationale. Sa mission fut de faire la revue documentaire dans le but d’aider à actualiser le manuel d’enseignement en vigueur en commerce international. En 2010, il entra à la faculté de l’éducation à l’université d’Ottawa. En 2011, il obtint son bac en enseignement. Il a ensuite satisfait aux conditions du ministère de l’enseignement, de loisir et des communautés culturelles du Québec pour obtention du brevet d’enseignement provincial. Après cela, il a été travaillé dans une réserve indienne pendant deux ans. Là encore, il a fait parler de lui par son travail. Il a été en effet le tout premier enseignant à avoir présenté les élèves aux examens du ministère de l’éducation du Québec. À la grande surprise de tout le monde, les résultats obtenus par ses élèves ont été épatants. Actuellement, il enseigne à Ottawa pour le conseil catholique et le conseil public de l’Ontario. Il est en train de publier son premier roman intitulé la femme du train avec la maison d’édition Mini génie.
Gilbert Kossi Djilo
Chief International Economist & Education Officer at JustEducation & Spot on Success Inc.
Master in Economic from Geneva Switzerland  and Professional Licence Teacher from Ottawa Canada 
Many Year of experience in the Field of Education and Macro/Micro Economic. 
Central Africa Educational Coordinator and Canadian Liaison


Ph.D. Agricultural Applied Entomology June 2007
  Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

M.Sc. Agricultural Applied Entomology May 1992
  School of Agriculture/Department of Entomology
  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
B.Sc. (Ingénieur Agronome Phytotechnie) October 1985
  Institut Facultaire des Sciences Agronomiques
  IFA-Yangambi, Haut-Zaire, Zaire
  National University of Zaire, Democratic Republic

Dr Nsitu T. Mbungu born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Central Africa) is a mixed product of both North and South Education and Development Systems; therefore, he has a better understanding of the key problems of the agricultural development arena in developing countries.
His experience comes a long way from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Institut Facultaire des Sciences Agronomiques, IFA-Yangambi, Zaire) of the National University of Zaire with various internships and farmers-oriented applied research based on the use of resistant varieties, organo-phosphate insecticides and planting dates to control heteropteran cowpea (Legume) pests.
As a research officer in Entomology at the headquarters of the National Maize Programme within the Agricultural Applied Research and Outreach Project (1986-1988); he deepened and strengthened the concepts of multidisciplinary team in Agricultural and Farming Research, Outreach and Integrated Maize Protection. He led a team of 3 technicians in different activities : on-station and on-farm research, outreach, meeting with scientists. Research work was presented to scientists and government officials.
As research fellow at Purdue University during his master degree studies ( 1989-1992), he set up field, laboratory and greenhouse experiments and studied the newly launched bio-insecticide MYX-1806 (Bt var san diego) as part of an integrated Colorado potato beetle mamangement plan. Results were presented at the Mid West Biological Control Conference.
As Visiting Researcher at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Potato Research Center in Fredericton, New-Brunswick (Canada), during his PhD studies, he re-assessed under a joint project Agriculture Canada/Monsanto-NatureMark, the validity of the high-dose/Refuge theory with the transgenic potato (NewLeaf). The results were used to validate the conditional acceptance of the NewLeaf in Canada by the Canada Food Inspection Agency (Regulatory Institution). These results are still applied in North America in the Colorado potato beetle management plan and were presented in different scientific meetings.

 Nsitu Mbungu is currently ( 2005-present) Scientific Advisor of the Entomology section of the DR Congo-based Non Government Organization CASED (Congelese-American Sustainable Economic Development) Foundation with field projects (cassava, corn, beans, peanut, sweet potato and banana). He has developed skills and extensive experience in the area of field crop production, outreach, and agricultural applied entomology. He is involved in designing, planning and implementing various field crop projects at Farmers level. He recommend the use of environmentally sound crop production and practices : resistant varieties, planting dates, minimum tillage, zero herbicide, bio-insecticides and pesticides with low spectrum. He subscribes field crop production under the Integrated and Low Input Sustainable Development Approach. The overall goal is to improve small farmers livelihood through food security and poverty alleviation.

-Field crop production and applied entomology : tropical and temperate crops
-Ecologically based pest management practices in field crop protection
-Insect resistance management plan
-International Development projects with small farmers in developing countries : on station, on-farm research, technology transfer, farming systems research, low-input sustainable agriculture approach, outreach, integrated rural development approach to enhance field production and alleviate poverty.

Daniel Sindjeu: Construction Specialist and engineer:
Graduated from University in Iowa. 
Vice president research and development
and Chief international Officer
Professor Chuck Smith:
USA Board of Director, Chuck donated millions of dollars to support education for the poor. 
Co Founder of JJK
Is  an expert in Agriculture and rural development, Graduated  from BEIJING School of Agriculture.
Very Talented with many years of experience in Rural Agriculture and Woman in the workplace and Market research.
She is the JJK ASIA Agribusiness Coordinator
She has been on various humanitarian mission in Africa and around the world.
Ms Noella De laVieNouvelle

Is Canada Quebec Coordinator of JJK Educational Services. She has been working with Minority in Canada and in Africa for an extended period of times. Very gifted teacher, she loves to share her passion for good quality education. She is a game changer of Education and a corner stone of our Canadian Educational program.

Mr Daniel Morissette

As Mechanical Engineer Specialist, He has trained and provided services to thousands of people in JJK .His passion for Jesus allow him to help so many people around the world.
JJK International has various Great and best guest professor in the field of Agribusiness from University of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe.

Professor David P
Professor Ross W.
Professor Ronald Jake O.
Professor Richard S.
Professor Owen Richardson B.